Nylah Todd
Have you always wanted to own an affectionate dog? Have you ever dreamed about getting a dog as a surprise gift? Did you ever want to train a dog to stand up or give hugs on command? During this interview, you’ll see plenty of instances where Nylah – a fellow Highlander here at Doherty Memorial High School – showcases her dog, Stormie, who has shown incredible obedience and unconditional love growing up with her. This interview will offer a glimpse into their day-to-day lives, emphasizing just how beautiful their truly bond is.
Let’s Hear Nylah’s Responses!

Q: Can you tell me about your pet and how they became a part of your life?
NYLAH: “My pet’s name is Stormie and she’s a German Shepherd + Poodle mix. She was born on May 19, 2021. Stormie loves to play with her rubber bone and tennis balls. She became a part of my life when my mom came home with her as a surprise!”
Q: How old is Stormie?
NYLAH: “Stormie is three years old.”
Q: How long have you been Stormie’s pet owner?
NYLAH: “I have been Stormie’s pet owner since May 2021.”

Q: Who decided to name your pet and why?
NYLAH: “My mom and I decided to name our pet Stormie because we thought it was a cute name.”
Q: What’s your Stormie’s personality like?
NYLAH: “Stormie likes to play a lot and is a really friendly dog. She loves people and running around outside, especially in the snow.”
Q: What’s the funniest thing Stormie has ever done?
NYLAH: “The funniest thing Stormie has ever done was when she pushed me onto my bed.”

Q: Does Stormie know any tricks?
NYLAH: “Stormie knows how to give high fives, hugs, paw, stand up, and lay down.”

Q: What is Stormie’s favorite treat?
NYLAH: “Stormie’s favorite treat is frozen peanuts with yogurt and honey.”
Q: What does Stormie do to get your attention?
NYLAH: “When Stormie wants to get my attention she usually growls or hits me with her paw.”

Q: What’s the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?
NYLAH: “The most rewarding thing about being a pet owner is the unconditional love from your pet.”
Q: In what ways has owning a pet impacted your lifestyle or you personally?
NYLAH: “Owning a pet has made me happier.”
Q: What advice would you give to someone considering getting a pet?
NYLAH: “Advice I would give to someone considering getting a pet is to make sure you have enough time to care for them and love them.”

How about Stormie’s Responses?
Q: What’s an average day like for Stormie?
STORMIE: “An average day for me is mostly sleeping, playing outside, and playing with my rubber bone.”

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do together with your human?
STORMIE: “My favorite thing to do with my human is playing tug-of-war with my rubber bone.”

Q: What makes you feel safe and comfortable?
STORMIE: “My human’s bed makes me feel safe and comfortable.”

Q: What do you enjoy doing most in your free time?
STORMIE: “In my free time, I like playing with my favorite toy, my rubber bone, or a tennis ball.”

Q: What’s your favorite way to relax?
STORMIE: “My favorite way to relax is looking outside the window while laying on the living room couch.”

Q: How do you feel when you meet new people or animals?
STORMIE: “When I meet new people I get nervous, but around animals I get excited.”
Q: How do you show your human that you love them?
STORMIE: “I show my human I love them by always being near them.”

Q: What’s your favorite way to get attention from your human?
STORMIE: “My favorite way to get attention from my human is hitting them or growling at them.”

Q: How do you feel when your human leaves the house?
STORMIE: “When my human leaves the house I get sad.”
Q: What’s the best part of your day?
STORMIE: “The best part of my day is when I get to go outside.”

After getting a small glimpse into what Nylah and her pet Stormie do during their daily lives, it’s evident just how deep their bond truly is. Whether it’s playing games together, meeting new animals, or simply relaxing together, they will always care for each other in their own ways. Stormie’s energetic and loving nature, mixed with Nylah’s attention and care for Stormie create a beautiful connection that goes beyond just pet ownership, but into true companionship! Has your opinion on adopting or rescuing a dog changed, or has it remained the same after this interview? What do you believe the most rewarding part about being a pet owner is? How do you think adopting a pet could impact your life in the same way it did to Nylah’s? Thank you for taking the time to learn about Nylah and Stormie’s life and we both hope this interview will leave you inspired to think in new ways!