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Doherty Teacher Spotlight Featuring: Mrs. McKeon! | Thumbnail done on Canva.
Do you believe learning goes beyond graduating high school and college? In what ways do you think traveling out of state and following your state’s sports teams will influence you as an individual? Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza? Well, meet Beth McKeon, better known as Mrs. McKeon, the 10th grade English teacher here at Doherty Memorial High School! During this interview, you’ll get to hear a variety of opinions and experiences Mrs. McKeon has to offer. So, follow along to learn about her plans on finishing her horror novel, music recommendations, hot takes, and much more!
Mrs. McKeon’s Upbringing…
Q: Tell me a bit about your background.
I was born on November 25th, 1979 and raised in Marlborough Massachusetts in a basic nuclear family. My dad was a project manager at a computer company and my mom was a stay-at-home mom for most of my childhood. After graduating from Marlborough High School in 1998, I attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where I was an English major. I loved my college experience but was excited to graduate in spring of 2002. I was hired for my first teaching job in 2005 in Tyngsborough MA, which is right up near the New Hampshire border. Since then I have worked in four other schools: Southbridge High, Woodward Day School in Worcester, North High, and now Doherty Memorial High School. I have lived in Worcester for the last thirteen years with my husband, Matt. We have the sweetest, goofiest, most loving Golden/Lab mix, Wrigley. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: How has your pet impacted your life? Share a bit about them.
My dog, Wrigley is my whole world. My favorite part of the day is going home and taking him for a walk. He is so sweet, but also full of energy and just so goofy. – Mrs. McKeon.

Q: Did you join any extracurriculars when you were younger? Any after school clubs, organizations, programs, or sports in the past?
I danced for fifteen years and danced competitively for two years. As that took up most of my time, I did not play any sports in high school. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Do you have any notable achievements or awards that you’ve received in the past?
I don’t think there is anything notable. I have a Masters Degree in Education, but that’s about it. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: What were some challenges you had to overcome during High School?
Being the drama!! LOL I didn’t mean to, but I always seemed to be right in the middle of all the drama in high school. Thankfully, that was a long time ago. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: What’s something you feel nostalgic about? Is there anything you feel very grateful towards?
Music is a very nostalgic thing for me. A song can take me right back to a specific time and place, especially songs that were popular when I was in high school. I listen to a song like Far Behind by Candlebox or Wonderwall by Oasis and I am sixteen again. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: What inspires you? Do you have any role models you look up to?
I became a teacher because of my sophomore English teacher, Mrs. Giorgi. She was tough, but she helped me learn to love to read. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Would you like to share a few words about a loved one? Do they inspire, motivate, or offer valuable lessons to you?
My mom passed away in 2019, and I ask myself all the time, what would my mom think of this choice/decision? I don’t always follow it (just like when I was a teenager) but it comforts me to think about what she would tell me. – Mrs. McKeon.
Mrs. McKeon’s Time Here at DMHS
Q: What are your thoughts on Doherty Memorial High School? Do you feel supported or heard at all? Are there any improvements needed? What are you looking forward to?
It’s hard to say as I have only been at Doherty for two years now. The new building is wonderful, and I am sure small tweaks will be made along the way to make things even better. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Do you have any favorite subjects, teachers, star Highlanders or other staff members here at DMHS? If so, tell me a bit about them!
Mrs. Carrero and I go way back! We taught together in Southbridge and have known each other for almost twenty years. I am of course partial to the English department, but I thought about becoming a history teacher when I was young because I love learning about history. Historical fiction novels are some of my favorite. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies, passions, video games, or special interests? If so, what are they?
It will come as no surprise that as an English teacher, I love to read. In the summer, I will read fifteen to twenty-five books. I also love to garden. I grow vegetables, herbs, and have a peach tree. I love going on long walks with my dog and hanging with my friends and family, especially my two nephews Alex (6) and James (2). – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Do you have any goals for the future? Do you have something in mind to do other than teaching at the moment? Where do you see yourself in your teaching career in the next 5-10 years?
I have always wanted to write a novel. I have a horror novel I have been working on for years, but never find the time to finish. I hope in 10 years I am still teaching at Doherty. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: How do you motivate students who may be disengaged or uninterested in your subject? What strategies or tips are you willing to share? What makes an excellent educator? Are there any examples of how you handled a challenging situation in your classroom?
Struggling, disengaged students tend to work better if they know their teacher cares about them. I know it has become clichĂ©, but building relationships with students is key to helping them succeed. Giving opportunities to make up work, knowing that sometimes when it was assigned they were having a really bad day. I believe excellent educators know their subject matter very well. They are always willing to update or change things for their current students, and above all they are willing to learn new things and new strategies. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Do you believe you can reach success despite bad grades? How would you define a ‘star’ student in your classroom? Do you think it’ll be a more difficult experience than others with a good education? What role does having an education play on an individual’s future?
I definitely believe people can be successful even if they were not good students when they were young, but I do believe they have to realize at some point how important learning and being a life-long learner is to success. I do think it will be harder for someone who realizes later how important learning is. The statistics show that the more education someone has, the more money they make. Now, money is not the only barometer for success, but it definitely helps. A star student is someone who works hard and is respectful to those around them. – Mrs. McKeon.
Fun Facts!
Q: Do you have any tips on self care? What’s your daily routine like?
I walk my dog every morning and every afternoon. No matter the weather or the temperature, we are out there. It is so important to have a physical activity in your daily routine that allows you to put down your phone and notice the world around you. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: What is your most favorite place you’ve ever been to? Have you traveled out of the country? What’s your favorite restaurant or hang out location?
I have so many! I love Chicago. I have been there on vacation 3 times. I love Washington D.C. It was a family vacation for almost a decade when I was young. I love Key West. I get to go back this April. I love Newport and Narragansett, Rhode Island. My husband and I plan to retire down there one day. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Do you have any secret or unknown talents? If so, please elaborate.
I can tap dance. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: What are your hot takes right now?
Taylor Swift is over-hyped. Crocs are the worst, ugliest shoes ever. We should get rid of Daylight Savings Time, pineapple definitely belongs on pizza. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Do you have any values or morals you want to share?
I am a staunch Democrat and believe this country is meant to help the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to be free. I also am a HUGE Boston sports fan. Both my parents grew up right outside Boston and rooted for all the Boston teams: Celtics, Bruins, Red Sox, and Patriots. Win or lose, these are my teams. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: What’s a quote you would like to share?
Never begrudge a single day. Every day, even Mondays is a gift we should all treasure. Every day you get to wake up and live your life, be grateful. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Do you have any work, community work, or internship experiences you want to share with us?
I volunteer with a national organization called the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. There are 2,300 clubs across the nation. My mother was a member, and now I am a member too. We do all types of community service projects to help those in need and raise awareness for many different causes, including cancer screenings, book donations, child safety laws, and so much more. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: What’s a fun or unique fact about you?
My spirit animal is a penguin. A bird that can’t fly but swims. – Mrs. McKeon.
Q: Do you have any music recommendations?
As I was a teenager in the 90s, I love that decade of music: Dr. Dre, Tupac, Dave Matthews Band, Fiona Apple, Melissa Etheridge, Pearl Jam, and so, so, so many more. – Mrs. McKeon.
After hearing a bit more about Mrs. McKeon’s story, how has her journey as an educator helped inspire you to become successful? In what ways do you think her dedication to community service through organizations like the General Federation of Women’s Clubs influence you as an individual? Do you believe that having a passion for learning can benefit your future? This interview not only highlighted her journey here to DMHS, but it also shed light on the importance of leaving a positive impact in your community. Thank you for following along, and do not forget to click the comment button on the right-hand side to share your opinions and critiques on this matter! To read more articles, scroll down and click the ‘Teacher Spotlight’ tag in red! Tune in for more.
Contact Mrs. McKeon!
Email: [email protected]