Do you enjoy making jewelry in your free time? Do you believe making bracelets isn’t time consuming? How well do you think a freshman can handle the stress of running their own business? Meet Etherlinda, and her own jewelry business that she runs by herself! During this interview, you will be able to see just how exciting it is creating your own products to sell locally, and soon overseas. So, pay close attention to her responses on how she manages her orders with schoolwork while running Loopy Jewel.
Etherlinda’s Background
Q: Tell me about your background.
“I was born in Ghana and I grew up in Accra and the U.S. I was born on the 16th of February, 2010 and I speak English and Twi.”
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
“I play Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves, do art and code.”
Q: Did you join any extracurriculars, after school clubs, organizations, programs, or sports in the past? Are you currently in any?
I am apart of the Black Student Union and the Freshman class officers.
Q: What are your plans after you graduate?
I plan to join the tech world and be a Website and a Front End Developer.
Q: What were some challenges you had to overcome in High School? Any advice to fellow Highlander’s?
I had to overcome my anxiety and fear to talk to people, and I advise fellow Highlander’s to have confidence and not fear talking with others.
Loopy Jewel
Q: Tell me a bit about your business
I define my business as a conversation starter; I believe it brings spice and color to your outfit and life. I sell bracelets, and in the future, I plan to sell overseas. For now, I am a local business, and I am the only person in this business; my business is called Loopy Jewel.
Q: How did you come up with your business? What inspired you? Do you have any role models you look up to?
I came up with this business because I love jewelry. Jewelry is the talking point of my outfits most of the time so I believe that having beautiful, high quality jewelry is very important. I look up to successful bracelet making businesses, and I value high quality products at an affordable price.
Q: Describe a moment where you felt discouraged. What was a challenge you had faced? What sort of steps did you take to keep your business growing?
I felt discouraged when I didn’t get any sales the first week of launching my business and not knowing how to promote my business due to fear of talking to people. I started promoting my business online and started to talk to people more to help my business to grow.
Q: How do you handle criticism and feedback from customers? What steps do you take to improve your business?
I handle criticism and feedback from customer greatly, I think about what they have said and find ways to solve the problem and reply to my customers with factual, informed answers.
Q: What new projects are you excited to work on and sell?
I am excited about adding key chains, glass bracelets, and anklets to my products.
Q: What has been the most rewarding part of being a business owner? How do you manage to keep a balance between schoolwork and completing orders?
The most rewarding part of being a business owner is the fact that I can work for myself and not be under someone else. I am able to balance between schoolwork and completing orders by having a schedule for myself and managing my time perfectly.

Contact Loopy Jewel
- Loopy Jewel Official Business Instagram: @loopy_jewel
- Loopy Jewel Official Email: [email protected]
- Etherlinda’s Personal Snapchat: @ether_linda22
- Loopy Jewel Official Website: Pending
After hearing a bit more about Etherlinda and Loopy Jewel in general, would you say you now have a sense of how to responsibly run your own business? What aspects of Etherlinda’s experience as a business owner can you pull from and apply in your own life? Is there anything in this interview that you can relate to – whether it’s how to keep a balance in your own personal life and job, or how to keep pushing forward when facing obstacles? Thank you for following along and do not forget to click the comment button on the right-hand side to share your opinions and critiques on this matter! Tune in for more promotional articles.