Students have been feeling really bummed out about the school’s quality of its food. Although lunches have been running smoothly, quality hasn’t been on par with the students’ liking, and rightfully so.
Here’s some of our Highlander’s experiences on their food being provided at their lunches!
“Yes, the lunch food is disgusting. About 2 months ago I tried it for the first time, and it made my stomach hurt and I threw up. It was the worst experience ever because I heard that the food they give us is frozen… ” – Jeshmary Vasquez Ryan (Student)
“My opinion on the school lunches is the same as most of the people I know. I think it had definitely improved and for that I am so grateful and am super thankful that all of the students get the chance to eat at school without needing to pay money. I went to city hall for a school project with others last year to talk more about this school lunch issues and how unappetizing or just not good they are most times and I think that they have definitely changed. Sometimes it’s really a hit or miss. I’ve had multiple school lunches that I’ve enjoyed and liked but also there are sometimes where I bring a lunch from home because I may not like what is being served today.” – Eijra Xhengo (Student)
“The school food is good but sometimes you don’t wanna follow the same schedule and it gets very unappetizing to eat the school food… ” – Alejandro Garcia Minaya (Student)
“I recall seeing someone throw up one day at lunch when they served chicken. It was raw.” – Esari Martinez Leon (Student)
“I do not eat the cafeteria’s food as I bring my own lunch, however, I would be open to discuss other options. I think it would be cool if we had food trucks from the community come in and sell some of their food. Sometimes I forget to bring my own lunch, and it would be very convenient if they were there.” – Araceli Esqueda (Teacher)
“The line for lunch has been so long that you have a short amount of time to eat once you do get your food; this could be improved.” – Giana Porcaro (Student)
“Lunch has been decent as of recently. But they need to make sure the food is as high quality as possible before they serve it so that way students will be able to enjoy it with satisfaction.” – Kleart Taraj (Student)
“Yeah, the school lunch isn’t the best, and some of the food doesn’t look as appetizing. But I would still eat some.” – Andrew Ochoa Chang (Student)
“I think that the school food is pretty good quality, especially for a public school.”- Milary Mahones (Student)
“The school foods quality could be better. Also, some of the plates handed out to us isn’t always filled with the foods it’s supposed to be with. For example, one time a friend of mine grabbed one of the school lunches, but instead of having the full meal everyone else got, it had only the fries.” – Nylah Todd (Student)
Here’s some photos of past DMHS meals served at lunch:
More Harmful Than Healthy
Without proper food requirements being properly set in place, students are left an outcome of poor quality food to fill their bellies up. This ends with a result of justifiably upset students going to class without proper nutrients and fuel in their system. What are some ideas you can come up with to improve the food’s quality? What are some suggestions you can make based on this information? Any possible solutions?
Nicole Sequeira • Jan 7, 2025 at 11:57 am
I got a sandwich from the lunch today and the meat was completely freezer burnt. Sure it’s not a common occurrence, but when stuff like that happens I never finish my lunch and I end up going to class with nothing in my stomach.
Aliel • Jan 6, 2025 at 8:02 am
include more natural products into our foods. support more variety on fruits. and let us have water in bottles.