"Folklore" studio album cover by Taylor Swift.
Are you interested in possibly exploring a new genre of music? Or are you curious about what someone else has to say about one the most popular and impactful albums to date? Have you been trying to discover songs that convey common struggles people go through, while providing lyrics in a storytelling fashion? Taylor Swift’s Folklore studio album has been picked by a fellow Highlander here at Doherty Memorial High School, Mackenzie O’Brien (Student) to give her thoughts on it! Whether you’re a Swiftie or not, make sure your ready to discover more about this album with the help of Mackenzie’s insights!

Q: What made you pick this album to review?
MACKENZIE: “This is my favorite album by Taylor Swift, and I have a sentimental attachment to this specific album. Listening to this album brings me peace and, in my opinion, everyone should take her lyrics at heart because it might help them in their everyday lives.”
Q: Tell me about the artist behind this album.
MACKENZIE: “Taylor Swift is a monumental artist who has broken records beyond comprehension. She has recorded 11 albums, re-recorded four albums, written songs for other artists, and is still making music. Her Eras Tour ended in December 2024 with an outstanding 149 shows, expanding almost two years. She is a powerful musician and intelligent business woman.”
Q: What year was this album released?
MACKENZIE: “Folklore was released on July 24, 2020. The deluxe version was released on August 18, 2020.”

Q: How did you first find out about this album?
MACKENZIE: “I first found out about this album a few years ago when I truly got into Taylor Swift’s music. Shortly after, I watched her Folklore documentary on Disney +, and fell in love with the album.”
Q: Describe the sound of this album.
MACKENZIE: “The sound of this album is soft while speaking intensely. With Taylor’s voice, the various instruments enhance the songs and create masterpieces. You really hear the folk genre coming out and creating a scenery similar to the forest (magical, quiet, and wonderous).”
Mackenzie continues to explain just how important a song on the tracklist, mirrorball, is and how she “wouldn’t say there are ‘hidden messages,’ just messages if you are open to finding them.” Additionally, in mirrorball, it conveys how there are people who spend their entire lives finding validation from others while longing for human contact and no one realizes how “they’re already on that pedestal.” Another example of a memorable song on the Folklore album is this is me trying. It recognizes individuals who struggle with mental health or addiction and how “all they are doing is trying to be better and to live their life.” Lyrics that supports Mackenzie’s thoughts include:
“Pulled the car off the road to the lookout / could’ve followed my fears all the way down.” this is me trying – Taylor Swift. | “Could have killed themselves but fought their battle in their mind and are constantly trying.” – Mackenzie O’Brien (Student).
“Pourin’ out my heart to a stranger but I didn’t pour the whiskey.” this is me trying – Taylor Swift. | “Chooses to talk about their problems instead of drowning in them.” – Mackenzie O’Brien (Student).
“These are choices that people make that essentially harm or positively impact them. Some people will never truly know what they go through, but they certainly go through it.”

Q: What do you specifically like about this album?
MACKENZIE: “I really like how vulnerable and enchanting Taylor’s words are. Taylor describes how writing this she really experimented with storytelling through another person’s point of view, so you hear lives told in depth that could happen to anyone.”
Q: Does this album mean anything to you personally?
MACKENZIE: “This album to me means heartbreak caused by pain, breakups, grief, the patriarchy, and everyday struggles. It describes how life is difficult but beautiful at the same time.”

Q: How do you think this album affects the artist’s “brand”?
MACKENZIE: “This sort of puts Taylor on a different level of music. With previous albums, she has stuck with country and pop but again, she has proven that she could do something different. It shows that Taylor’s “brand” is not easy to identify, she just writes to explain her thoughts or help others cope with theirs.”
Now that you’ve gained insight on how Mackenzie interprets the meanings and details behind lyrics while considering the production of the Folklore album, have your thoughts before diving into this interview shifted throughout the entirety of it? Did anything she share during the interview challenge your initial thoughts? Now that you’ve looked at some snippets of lyrics from some of the songs on the tracklist of her album, have any of them deeply connected with you? The songs on the Folklore album have plenty of other meaningful songs and you can really get invested by clicking the links throughout the article!