Have you been wanting to get a furry companion lately? Has getting a cat ever crossed your mind recently? Are Maine Coons your absolute favorite cat breed at the moment? If any of these questions resonate with you, I urge you to follow along to this interview featuring Isabel Lam, a student here at Doherty Memorial High School, and her pet cat, Tofu. If not, I’ll bet you’ll change your mind after paying close attention to this interview!
Let’s Hear from Tofu’s POV!

Q: What’s an average day like for Tofu?
TOFU: “I feel quite lonely when no one’s at home. I love to follow Isabel around the house.”
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do together with your human?
TOFU: “My favorite thing to do together with my human is playing games, cuddling, and overall, bonding with her.”

Q: How do you feel when your human leaves the house?
TOFU: “I feel either curious or unsafe most times.”
Q: What makes you feel safe and comfortable?
TOFU: “A quiet and calm environment, especially with Isabel present.”

Q: How do you show your human that you love them?
TOFU: “I would start by slowly blinking, then continuing with some head butting, and best for last, some cuddling with my human.”
Q: What’s your favorite toy or game you like to play?
TOFU: “My favorite game is when we would both separately hide around the house and quietly try to sneak up on each other.”

Q: What’s your favorite way to relax?
TOFU: “My favorite way to relax is sleeping on the couch.”
Q: What makes you go into “fight or flight” mode?
TOFU: “When I’m alone.”

Q: What’s your favorite way to get attention from your human?
TOFU: “My favorite way to get attention from my human is meowing and rubbing my side against her leg.”
Q: What’s the silliest thing you’ve done that always makes your human laugh?
TOFU: “The silliest thing that I’ve probably done that always makes her laugh is when she’s walking and I would hide around the corner while trying to scare her by jumping and grabbing her leg.”

Q: What’s the best part of your day?
TOFU: “I love spending time with my human, whether it’s playing, grooming, or relaxing together.”
Q: What’s the most adorable thing you do?
TOFU: “The most adorable thing I do is whenever my human is sitting or laying down, I start to rub my head against hers before laying down in her arms.”

What about Isabel’s Perspective?!
Q: Can you tell me about your pet and how they became a part of your life?
ISABEL: “Tofu became a part of my life when my friend picked up a small kitten from her friend’s house, but her parents didn’t let her keep it; so she dropped it off at my house, and my parents let me keep him.”
Q: How old is your pet?
ISABEL: “Tofu is 10 months old.”
Q: Can you describe Tofu’s genetic background?
ISABEL: “Tofu is a boy and is mixed with a Maine Coon and something else.”

Q: How long have you been Tofu’s pet owner?
ISABEL: “I’ve been his pet owner for 6 months.”
Q: What is Tofu’s personality like?
ISABEL: “Tofu has a really soft and kind personality. He never hits you when you try to pet him or carry him.”

Q: What’s the most adorable thing Tofu’s ever done?
ISABEL: “The most adorable thing he’s ever done was whenever I’m sitting or laying down, he’ll start to rub his head against mine before collapsing and snuggling down into my arms.”
Q: What’s the funniest thing Tofu has ever done?
ISABEL: “The silliest thing Tofu does that always makes me laugh is when I’m walking, and he hides around the corner, trying to scare me by jumping and grabbing my leg.”

Q: Does Tofu know any tricks?
ISABEL: “Tofu knows how to sit, “paw”, and “hug.”
Q: What’s Tofu’s favorite treat?
ISABEL: “Tofu’s favorite treats are Friskies Party Mix.”

Q: What’s the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?
ISABEL: “The most rewarding thing about being a pet owner is the loving bond and the company he gives me.”
After getting to know Isabel and her pet, Tofu, what have you come to realize about owning a pet? Could you relate to anything she’s said about her pet cat? Has your opinion or decision on getting a pet cat changed while reading this interview? Clearly, Tofu is a great role model for other cats and hopefully pet owners just like Isabel can acknowledge just how much a furry companion can love and appreciate you unconditionally! Thank you for following along.